Why you should not try to predict stock markets

I have met a surprising number of people who have tried to build a trading algorithm at some point. Here is why you should not waste your time with that. First of all, I have to admit: I do it, too. For a long time stock markets have been endlessly fascinating to me, and I … Continue reading Why you should not try to predict stock markets

Stock market crisis: is there a tennis ball effect?

Stock markets are plummeting as the Corona virus has turned into a global pandemic. During the short periods of recovery one can hear those stock market reporters on TV talking about a tennis ball effect. The idea is that what goes down has to come up again and vice versa. So should you wait for … Continue reading Stock market crisis: is there a tennis ball effect?

Visualizing MonteCarlo Simulation Results: Mean vs Median

Simulation studies are used in a wide range of areas from risk management, to epidemiology, and of course in statistics. The MonteCarlo package provides tools to automatize the design of these kind of simulation studies in R. The user only has to specify the random experiment he or she wants to conduct and to specify … Continue reading Visualizing MonteCarlo Simulation Results: Mean vs Median

The Case Against Seasonal Unit Roots

There are several ways to model seasonality in a time series. Traditionally, trend-cycle decomposition such as the Holt-Winters procedure has been very popular. Also, until today applied researchers often try to account for seasonality by using seasonal dummy variables. But of course, in a stochastic process it seems unreasonable to assume that seasonal effects are … Continue reading The Case Against Seasonal Unit Roots